Sunday, July 27, 2008
Disappearing butterfly blog
As I sit here gazing at flowers that once held the butterfly below, I think of all the things I should post on this blog. I realize that I have very little info on how to actually go about raising the cats yet I have no motivation to post. Maybe someday soon? Just a small update - I have 9 larvae and 5 eggs. We are in the 2nd cycle of butterflies of the summer. The largest cat is in its 3rd instar (I have two of those). Both neighbors have jumped on the butterfly bandwagon, as well as a sister in Duluth. I have eggs and caterpillars on the milkweed in the yard, even though most is only 9-12 inches tall. The taller milkweed in the back by the purple cone flowers have some eggs as well but the milkweed garden seems to be most popular. I am contemplating covering the milkweed with mosquito netting, but then where will the last of the butterflies lay their eggs in our yard? I have seen 1 to 2 monarchs each day for the past 4 days but no others. 2 weeks ago I saw 1 red admiral. Last year we almost had an infestation of them? I am concerned that the timing of the butterfly births and the spraying of mosquitos by the county may be effecting the numbers in the area. We miss the swallowtails, with so much dill and parsley planted and no cats to eat it. Anyone else seeing this trend?